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Abigail Smith Adams' Parenting Methods

by JadeWolveS 2024. 10. 16.


The Woman Who Made Her Son a President of the United States

Abigail Smith Adams, as a woman, made remarkable contributions to the United States. Many believe that if she had been born a man, she would undoubtedly have become the president of the United States. Let’s explore the parenting style of Abigail Smith Adams, who was a key advisor to America's founding fathers and an exemplary First Lady of the United States.

(Left) Husband: John Adams, 2nd President of the United States (Center) Abigail Smith Adams (Right) Son: John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States Source: Naver Images

Abigail's Strict Education of John Quincy Through Letters

John Quincy Adams was the 6th president of the United States. At the age of 11, he followed his father, John Adams, a diplomat, to schools in Paris, Amsterdam, and other cities. Abigail stayed behind in America, perfectly managing the household and supporting her husband so he could focus on securing America's independence. She also paid close attention to the education of her son, John Quincy, who was in Europe.

In one of her letters to him, she wrote:
"Make every effort to diligently follow all the rules and teachings your father has left you. I will always watch over you, help you, and make every effort alongside you."

Through letters, Abigail emphasized to John Quincy the importance of guarding himself against the corrupt habits of Europe. Among her children, John Quincy was the only one who did not disappoint her.


Abigail: A Supportive Ally with Encouragement and Expectations

John Quincy was an ordinary child in his youth, but Abigail always supported him with encouragement and high expectations.

She told him:
"This is an era that requires geniuses. You have excellent qualities, and I believe that with effort, you will surely succeed."

John Quincy grew up hearing such words from his mother and worked hard to meet the high expectations his parents had for his education. His father served as vice president in George Washington's cabinet, and Abigail, as her husband’s closest confidante, actively participated in political activities, supporting Washington. Washington, impressed by Abigail's dedication, appointed John Quincy as a diplomat to Poland when he was only 27 years old. Although John Quincy benefited from his parents' influence, he later rose to the presidency by his own ability and luck, becoming the 6th president of the United States.


Abigail Adams was the key figure who helped both her husband and son become presidents. While her educational methods did not ensure the success of all her children, they were more than sufficient to make John Quincy the president of the United States.


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