<The Time Machine>

유치원생 버전
A man makes a machine that can go through time. He is called the Time Traveler. He goes far into the future and sees that the world is very different. There are two kinds of people: the Eloi, who are small and weak, and the Morlocks, who are big and strong. The Time Traveler tries to understand this new world and find a way to go back home.
초등학생 버전
A man creates a machine that can travel through time. He, known as the Time Traveler, goes far into the future and discovers a changed world. There, humans have evolved into two kinds: the Eloi, who are small and weak, and the Morlocks, who are big and strong. The Time Traveler tries to understand this new world and find a way to return to his own time.
중고등학생 버전
A man invents a time-traveling device and journeys far into the future. There, he discovers that humanity has diverged into two distinct species: the Eloi, who are diminutive and frail, and the Morlocks, who are robust and formidable. The Time Traveler endeavors to comprehend this transformed world and seeks a way to return to his own era.
대학생 및 성인 버전
A man invents a time-traveling device and ventures into the distant future, where he discovers profound changes in the world. He encounters two distinct human species: the Eloi, who are physically frail and dwell above ground, and the Morlocks, who are strong and live underground. As the Time Traveler seeks to grasp this unfamiliar society, he also strives to unravel the mysteries of time travel and find a way back to his own era.
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