<White Fang>

유치원생 버전
A wolf-dog lives in the wild. He learns to stay alive by fighting and hunting. One day, people catch him. White Fang finds it hard to live with people. But soon, he starts to trust them. A man named Weedon Scott is kind to him. White Fang loves Weedon and his family. He keeps them safe. In the end, White Fang is a good friend to his human family.
초등학생 버전
A wolf-dog lives in the wild. He learns to survive by fighting and hunting, but he is eventually captured by humans. White Fang has a hard time adjusting to life with humans, but he eventually learns to trust them. He becomes a loyal companion to a man named Weedon Scott, who treats him kindly. White Fang learns to love Weedon and his family and protects them from danger. In the end, White Fang becomes a loving and faithful friend to his human family.
중/고등학생 버전
A wolf-dog inhabits the wild, mastering survival through combat and hunting. Ultimately, he is captured by humans. White Fang faces significant challenges in adjusting to human life, but eventually, he learns to trust them. He becomes a loyal companion to a man named Weedon Scott, who treats him with compassion. White Fang develops a deep affection for Weedon and his family, protecting them from various dangers. In the end, White Fang evolves into a loving and devoted friend to his human family.
대학생 및 성인 버전
In the wild, White Fang hones his survival skills through combat and hunting. Captured by humans, he initially struggles to adapt but gradually learns to trust them. He forms a deep bond with Weedon Scott, who treats him with kindness. As his affection for Weedon and his family grows, White Fang becomes a devoted protector. Ultimately, he evolves into a loving and loyal companion, fully integrated into his human family's life.
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