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Examples of Parents Who Suffered Due to Their Children’s Wrongdoings

by JadeWolveS 2024. 10. 19.

Daughter's Drunk Driving Puts Former President Moon Jae-in in the Spotlight

Moon Dae-hye, the daughter of former President Moon Jae-in, was criminally charged for driving under the influence. This incident has resurfaced attention on a remark President Moon made during his tenure, where he equated drunk driving to an act akin to murder. On top of this, Moon Dae-hye is facing an investigation over allegations that she used her father’s influence to secure employment for her ex-husband and to obtain other benefits, leading to public and media backlash. Former President Moon is also being criticized by the public due to his daughter’s wrongdoing. Let’s look at other cases in history where parents suffered public disgrace due to the wrongdoings of their children.

Former President Moon Jae-in and His Daughter Moon Dae-hye (Source: Yonhap News)

Yangnyeong Daegun's (Grand Prince Yangnyeong) Scandalous Behavior Brought Disgrace to the Royal Family

Yangnyeong Daegun was the eldest son of King Taejong of Joseon (Yi Bang-won). From a young age, he diligently received the education expected of a crown prince and secured his position with his father’s support. However, Yangnyeong had a fondness for hunting. His close aides, Seongongbujung Gu Jong-su and musician Lee O-bang, would bring women and falcons to please him, leading the prince to indulge in women. Eventually, Yangnyeong fell in love with a woman named Eori, who was the concubine of the former Jungchu Gwaksan. When it was discovered that the crown prince had committed adultery with her, the royal reputation was severely tarnished. Enraged, King Taejong exiled Yangnyeong to the home of his father-in-law, Kim Han-ro. Though the crown prince pledged to change his ways and sought his father’s forgiveness, this promise was short-lived. He soon invited Eori back to the palace, declaring that he would father a child with her, breaking his promise to his father and openly defying him. This incident convinced King Taejong that Yangnyeong was unfit to rule, leading him to appoint his third son, Grand Prince Chungnyeong (later King Sejong), as the new crown prince. Upon deposing the prince, King Taejong left this remark to his ministers:
“The crown prince has been unfilial many times, but I tried to cover his faults to avoid exposing our family’s shame to the world. I had hoped he would recognize and repent for his wrongs, but instead, he now holds resentment and disdain to such a degree that I can no longer conceal his faults.”

The Joint Tomb of Grand Prince Yangnyeong and His Wife, Lady Kim of Yangseongbu Located in Sangdo-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul. Designated as Seoul City Cultural Property No. 11. (Source: Academy of Korean Studies)

Yinzhen, Twice Deposed Crown Prince for His Eccentric Behavior

Yinzhen, the second son of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, was highly favored by his father and was appointed crown prince at the age of two. He was intelligent and received a thorough education, preparing to become the next emperor of the Qing Dynasty. However, over time, Yinzhen’s behavior became increasingly erratic. He used his position to assault his siblings and other royal family members, even beating officials in front of the emperor. He also began eyeing the throne and grew resentful of his father’s long reign. The relationship between father and son deteriorated as Yinzhen showed signs of impatience for his father’s death. This culminated in Yinzhen openly challenging his father's authority, leading to his first deposition as crown prince. However, political strife among his brothers ensued as they vied for the succession. Emperor Kangxi eventually reinstated Yinzhen, hoping he would repent for his actions. Nevertheless, Yinzhen continued his erratic ways, even engaging in an affair with one of the emperor’s concubines. This led to his second and final deposition. In the end, Emperor Kangxi left the question of succession unresolved until his death, designating his successor through a secret will. When Kangxi deposed Yinzhen, he made this statement:
"I have carried on the great work of the Taizu, Taizong, and Shizu Emperors for 48 years, showing compassion and care for my subjects and seeking to rule the empire peacefully. But the Crown Prince Yinzhen has defied the ancestral teachings and ignored my guidance, becoming increasingly depraved and immoral, subject to widespread gossip. In the past, I was moved by the bonds of loyalty and refrained from punishing [a rebel named] Sekedo, but this time Yinzhen has formed factions, seeking revenge for his maternal uncle Sekedo, leaving me in fear for my safety day and night, wondering if I will see the next sunrise. How could such a person continue the legacy of our ancestors? Moreover, Yinzhen killed his mother at birth. Since ancient times, such individuals have been considered unfilial. How can someone unfilial and lacking in compassion be fit to rule? Therefore, I declare today before Heaven, the ancestral temple, and the gods of land and grain, that Yinzhen is hereby deposed as crown prince."

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