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Is Cramming an Effective Study Method?

by JadeWolveS 2024. 10. 10.


There are always students who cram for exams during exam periods.

Students who have consistently prepared are more likely to do well in exams. However, there are cases where some students achieve better results through cramming than those who study consistently over time. Is cramming an effective study method? While some claim cramming works, educational experts are divided on this issue. Even in the past, there were individuals who achieved great results by cramming before deadlines.


Dostoevsky Writing Under the Pressure of Deadlines

Fyodor Dostoevsky is one of Russia’s greatest literary figures, whose works greatly influenced 20th-century novels. His well-known masterpiece, Crime and Punishment, is often thought to have been written after long periods of deep thought, but surprisingly, he wrote it under the pressure of a looming deadline. Dostoevsky was an avid gambler and was constantly short on money. He wrote to earn manuscript fees, which he then used for gambling. As he often missed deadlines, publishers made him agree to pay double the manuscript fee if he didn’t meet them. To avoid these penalties and continue gambling, Dostoevsky found himself writing in a rush to meet his deadlines. Among the works he wrote under such pressure is his masterpiece Crime and Punishment. It seems that his passion for gambling, rather than for writing itself, drove him to produce such exceptional works.


Masayoshi Son Passing the U.S. GED in Two Weeks

Masayoshi Son, a Korean-Japanese businessman, is the founder and owner of SoftBank. He was a relatively good student during his school days and was the subject of his father’s high expectations. While attending a prestigious local high school, he decided to study in the U.S. after an English language exchange. He dropped out of school and promised his mother that he would quickly graduate and return home. In 1973, at the age of 16, he began studying at Salinas High School in California, and graduated in just two weeks. After attending Holy Names University, a two-year college in Oakland, California, he earned degrees in economics and computer science from the University of California, Berkeley. Having completed all his studies within seven years of arriving in the U.S., he returned to Japan, where he gradually succeeded in realizing the business ideas he had been developing, eventually becoming the head of one of Japan’s leading companies.


Although cramming is not considered an ideal study method, it can result in good test scores by fostering high levels of concentration in a short period. There are also examples of great historical figures who achieved significant results while working under intense time pressure.


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