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Who are some figures who changed their fate through the levirate marriage system, like Queen Yu?

by JadeWolveS 2024. 9. 9.


The Survival Strategy of Queen Yu

Queen Yu (于氏 王后) lived as the queen of Goguryeo twice. In the Confucian culture centered around the Han Chinese, it was taboo for a younger brother to marry his deceased elder brother's widow. However, among ancient northern tribes, where men often died young due to hunting or war, they created a custom called "levirate marriage" to protect widows and their children. This custom allowed a man to marry his elder brother's widow. Queen Yu dramatically changed her fate by utilizing this now-taboo custom. After the death of King Gogukcheon (故國川王), she sought a protector to ensure her safety. She visited the brothers of King Gogukcheon one by one in the middle of the night. Her first visit was to Balgi (發岐), the second brother, who was certain to be the next in line to the throne. Confident of his future, Balgi insulted and dismissed Queen Yu. Offended, Queen Yu then visited the third brother, Yeonwoo (延優), who treated her with great respect. Realizing that Yeonwoo could be her protector, she informed him of King Gogukcheon's death, and together they returned to the palace. Yeonwoo soon became King Sansang (山上王), and Queen Yu successfully safeguarded herself in a time of crisis.

Drama poster of Queen Yu Source: TVING

Wang Zhaojun, Wife to Two Xiongnu Leaders

Wang Zhaojun (王昭君), though not well-known in Korea, was considered one of the four great beauties of Chinese history. However, she failed to capture the attention of Emperor Yuan of Han (孝元皇帝). At that time, Emperor Yuan had many concubines and had portraits of them painted so he could decide whom to spend the night with. Many concubines bribed the artist to be painted more beautifully, but Wang Zhaojun did not. As a result, the artist did not paint her attractively, and she failed to catch the emperor's eye. When the Xiongnu leader Huhanxie Chanyu (呼韩邪单于) requested a bride from Han China, Wang Zhaojun was sent. Upon seeing her beauty for the first time on the day she was to leave, Emperor Yuan was filled with regret but sent her off. Huhanxie, grateful to Han China for sending such a beautiful woman, made her his wife. After his death, following Xiongnu custom, Wang Zhaojun became the wife of his son, Fuzhuleiruodi Chanyu (復株絫若鞮單于), and bore him a second daughter. She lived a prosperous life in Xiongnu and, at the age of 72, fell ill and was buried in a stone tomb. This tomb is called Zhaojun Tomb (昭君墓) or Green Tomb (青塚).


Wang Zhaojun, one of the four great beauties of ancient China

Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang: Protecting Her Son’s Throne by Becoming Her Brother-in-Law’s Wife

Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang (孝莊文皇后) was the wife of Hong Taiji (崇德帝), the Qing dynasty emperor who inflicted humiliation upon Korea by invading during King Injo's reign, leading to the shame of Samjeondo (三田渡). After Hong Taiji's sudden death from a stroke without naming a successor, the Qing dynasty fell into chaos. Hong Taiji's eldest son, Hooge (豪格), and his half-brother, Dorgon, fiercely vied for the throne. Dorgon argued that internal strife would lead to the collapse of the Qing dynasty, proposing that the emperor's son should succeed the throne, though not Hooge, but Xiaozhuang's young son. The two factions reached a dramatic agreement, and Xiaozhuang’s son, the Shunzhi Emperor (順治帝), ascended the throne. To secure her son's position, Empress Xiaozhuang became Dorgon’s unofficial wife. Although the Manchus followed the practice of levirate marriage, Empress Xiaozhuang faced criticism from Han Chinese officials steeped in Confucian values. Despite this, through her exceptional political acumen, she ensured the continuation of her son Shunzhi and her grandson, the illustrious Kangxi Emperor (康熙帝), who became one of China's greatest rulers. Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang is credited with laying the foundation for the Qing dynasty's 300-year reign.

Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang of the Qing dynasty Source: Naver Images


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