Golf legend's unspeakable pain revealed
In 1998, Korea was hit by a national bankruptcy due to the financial crisis. As many companies went bankrupt, people who lost their jobs lost hope. Park Se-ri, who appeared like a comet in the golfing world, displayed impressive plays that touched the public. Her golf ball fell near the pond and she could have hit it again with a penalty, but she took off her socks and went into the pond to turn the crisis into an opportunity and won the game. People who lost hope remembered Pak Se-ri on that day and made a great contribution to making the Republic of Korea today. Pak Se-ri, who is called a national hero, has recently attracted media attention again due to her father's debts and various controversies. Pak Se-ri, chairman of the Pak Se-ri Hope Foundation, held a press conference on her father's accusation of forgery and forgery of private documents. When asked by a reporter she had known for 24 years, she finally shed tears. Pak's father made a great contribution to her daughter's growth as a golfer, helping her with her development. Pak entered various businesses based on her daughter's success but failed. It was up to her daughter, Pak Se-ri. Due to the debt she could no longer afford, Pak ordered to sue her father herself. Her father, who had been a strong supporter of her all her life, is now bullying her daughter. Let's look at the case in history where parents have become bullying to their children like Pak Se-ri.
Olympias, who made his son a great conqueror, but ruined himself
Olympias is known as the mother of Alexander the Great. Her exceptional political ability laid the groundwork for her son Alexander to become king of Macedonia. She imprinted his son as a godlike being and told him that he will become a great conqueror in the future. As she said, Alexander the Great took over India beyond Greece with his outstanding leadership. Alexander the Great came to rule an area unprecedented in European history, eventually leading to political confrontation with his mother. Olympias was also on bad terms with a close aide to Alexander the Great. When his son Alexander the Great died, Olympias actively intervened in politics. As a result, his grandson Alexander IV, his daughter-in-law, and even himself were killed.
Yulia Agrippina, who raised the Emperor who burned Rome
Julia Agrippina is known as the mother who raised Emperor Nero, a Roman tyrant. Emperor Nero was able to become the Roman emperor through her mother's heinous political steps. Even in Roman history, she is called the rarefied evil girl. Emperor Nero led Rome well with his early choices. Whenever he grew up and played politics for Rome, he frequently confronted his mother. Eventually, Emperor Nero gave up establishing his dream Rome on his mother's strong political foundation. He had escaped the palace and was destroying himself by hanging out with bullies. She criticized her son's behavior. Eventually, Emperor Nero decided to kill his mother. Yulia Agrippina tried to make her son an emperor and enjoy the power. Emperor Nero, who could no longer tolerate this behavior, ordered the soldiers and eventually killed his mother. Later, she and her son became disgraced in Roman history and went down in history.
It is the parents who raise their children as great people.
But the moment she tries to receive the care she gives to her child who has found her way on her own irreversible things may happen between parents and children.
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